Heimdall Kext For Os X

  • 1Linux
    • 1.2Debian based
    • 1.4Generic Linux Instructions
  • 2OSX
  • 3Windows


Feb 02, 2015 Joined Jul 3, 2014 Messages 934 Motherboard Dell XPS 9360 (KabyLake R) CPU Intel i7 8550U Graphics Intel UHD 620 Mac.


After this step, skip to the instructions for generic Linux distributions below.

Debian based

These instructions are for Debian based distributions including Ubuntu and Linux Mint.

Aug 27, 2017 XHCI-200-series-injector.kext – Enables USB 3 device detection and USB 3 speeds on Kaby Lake motherboards. This kext is also recommended to have during the macOS install process so you can use those USB 3 ports and flash drives. Oct 08, 2015 For large uploads, we recommend using the API. Get instructions. Downloads; Tags; Branches; Name Size Uploaded by Downloads Date; Download repository. For the BCM94352 flavors, I've been using AirportBrcmFixup.kext and the companion Lilu.kext for WiFi setup and BrcmBluetoothInjector.kext (on 10.13.6+) or BrcmPatchRAM2.kext alongside BrcmFirmwareData.kext - all of the Brcm. kexts are from RehabMan's OS-X-BrcmPatchRAM repo. VoodooHDA.kext-a jack of all trades master of none solution to. If you have more than 15 ports on XHC, you should use FakePCIIDXHCIMux to route the USB2 component of those USB3 ports to EHCI. It is easy to stay under the limit if up to 8-USB2 ports are routed off XHC. This kext may be helpful in installation scenarios as well where broken USB may prevent booting the installer from a USB stick.

Heimdall Kext For Os Xenon

With apt-get

Compiling from source

After this step, skip to the instructions for downloading and compiling below.

Arch Linux

heimdall is available in the official repositories. heimdall-git is available in the AUR for building from source.

Generic Linux Instructions

These are distro-independent instructions.

Installing prerequisites

Use your favourite package manager to install (the development version if your distro has seperate “-dev” packages)of the following pre-requisites:

  1. gcc/g++
  2. make(automake)
  3. libc(glibc)
  4. libusb
  5. qt5
  6. CMake
  7. OpenGL
  8. zlib

Heimdall Kext For Os X Latest

Downloading and compiling

Start Heimdall by issuing either heimdall or heimdall-frontend in a terminal.


Installing prerequisites

  • First make sure you have installed XCode and pkgconfig.
    • There are several different ways you can install pkgconfig, the simplest option is to use Homebrew.
  • Open a terminal and navigate to the directory you downloaded, or extracted, Heimdall to.
  • Install libusb >= 1.0:
    • The simplest option is to use Homebrew.
    • Alternatively you may download and compile from: http://www.libusb.org/
  • Enter the following commands to compile libpit.
    • NOTE: There is no need to run “sudo make install”.

Installing heimdall

Heimdall Kext For Os X
  • Enter the following commands to compile and install Heimdall:
    • NOTE: The export line is needed to overcome a compile error with 1.4RC and will hopefully be unnecessary soon.
    • NOTE: Do not be alarmed if the sudo make install ends with: make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-hook'
  • If you haven’t installed the driver before, enter the following:

Installing the Frontend

  • First make sure you have installed XCode from your OS X install DVD.
  • You’ll also need Qt 4.7 or later, available from: http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/
  • Open a terminal and navigate to the directory you extracted Heimdall to.
  • Enter the following commands to compile and install Heimdall Frontend:
  • Open Finder and navigate to the heimdall-frontend sub-directory. Open the newly created XCode project.
  • From the menu bar select Build -> Build. This outputs heimdall-frontend to /Applications


Prebuilt package

Heimdall is available for download at http://glassechidna.com.au/heimdall/. However, to get the latest version, you must follow the instructions below to compile from source.

Compile with CMake

Heimdall Kext For Os Xml

Download and install MSYS2 to set up a MinGW-W64 build environment. After installing, a terminal will launch. Issue the following commands:

After compiling, open a command prompt/Explorer window and navigate to %msys64%home%username%Heimdallbuildbin (where “%msys64%” is the directory you installed MSYS2 to, C:msys64 by default). There should now be two executable files in that folder: heimdall.exe and heimdall-frontend.exe. You can run them from that directory or move them to a more suitable location. Navigate to %msys64%home%username%HeimdallWin32Drivers for the Zadig (driver) executable.

Heimdall Kext For Os X Sierra

Content of this page is based on informations from wiki.cyanogenmod.org, under CC BY-SA 3.0 licence.