Hh Replayer


  1. Hh Replayer
  2. H Player Adobe Flash
  3. H Player Enable Flash
  4. H Replay
  5. H Playeradobe Flas
  6. Hand History Replayer
HM3 Replayer and Hand History Viewer

Hh Replayer

are the two ways to view previously played hands. Both

Use this poker hand converter to make your hand histories sharable on forums and social media. Then, relive your hands with our built-in poker hand replayer. Checking out what just happened in a hand and looking at your past games is a great way to get better at poker. And it’s easy too with the hand history replayer. You can look back at the last 100 hands you’ve played since you logged on and watch them play out exactly as they happened with the Hand Replayer. Use the “Show Replayer Animated GIF” option to display an animated replay gif of the hand, which can be posted on all poker forums along with your hand history! See the picture to the right! Click here to see Hand History Converter Examples demonstrating both.

Replayer and Hand History Viewer options are found next to each other throughout Holdem Manager 3 in the Hand Views.
Note: Only the Hand History Viewer can be accessed directly from a live table. To use the HM3 Replayer when playing live, use the Live Play Report in Holdem Manager 3.
Replayer Options
Hand History Viewer Options
In any Hand View throughout Holdem Manager 3, select a hand or a series of hands. (CTRL+Left Mouse click to select a series of hands)
  1. Use the Play and 'H' icons (1) to load the Replayer or Hand History Viewer.
  2. Right Clicking hands bring up the menu above (2) where you can Replay or View the hand too.

On live tables, click the Price Tag Icon (left of orange HUD letters) to load a previously played hand in the Hand History Viewer. (Below)

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  1. Available Tags - This is where you mark hands for later review in the Hand Views.
  2. Current Hand - Click here to select between the hands that are currently loaded in the Replayer.
  3. Save Icon - Click here to copy the hand to your clipboard.
  4. Gear Icon - Click here to load the HM3 Replayer options.
  5. Replayer Options:
    • Theme: Choose between HM3 and HM3 Dark replayer themes.
    • Deck: Choose a card deck style.
    • Show Hand Results: Displays the hand winner in the Current Hand field. (2)
    • Always Show Hero Cards: Choose to display hero cards or not.
    • Show Chips in BB: Will display chips in Big Blinds
    • Combine Folds: Will combine all player folds as you step through the hand.
    • Mask Player Names: Will replace player names with 'Player'
    • Stats Up To Time Of Hand: Will display HUD stats only up to the time of hand. No hands past the hand time in the current hand will be calculated in HUD stats.
    • Show HUD: Toggles the HUD on and off.
    • Replayer Speed: Use this slider to adjust the replayer speed when clicking the Play icon. (7)
  6. Hand Progress Text - Similar to when you are playing live, the hand progress text will update as you step through the hand.
  7. Replayer Controls - Flop, Turn and River will take you directly to that street and the icons above Flop, Turn and River will allow you to step through the hand 1 action at a time. You can also use these controls to skip directly to the next hand that's loaded in the Replayer. We also have hotkeys that are useful when replaying multiple hands: You can use the left/right arrows to navigate through a hand, the up/down arrows to jump to next/previous hands, or the Home/End keys to jump to the first/last hands.

  1. Click the box to the left of KT above to mark a hand for review later.
  2. Use this drop-down to select multiple hands if you have multiple hands loaded in the Hand Viewer.
  3. Three Icons:
    • Font: Change the font size.
    • List Icon: Switch between Text and Tile views.
    • Pencil Icon: opens player notes.
  4. Icons to the right of (4) opens hand notes where you can add notes by street.
  5. Add/Edit Marks allows you to adjust hand markings.
  6. Copy / Replayer / Save
    • Copy: Copies the hand to your clipboard or press the Up & Down Arrows to pick a hand format to copy to your clipboard.
    • Refresh Icon: Opens the current hand in the HM3 Replayer.
    • Save Icon: Saves the hand to your hard drive in a text format.

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H Replay

Have you ever lost a big hand – or won a big hand, for that matter – and wondered if you made the right play or not? There’s one way to find out: Pull up your hand history. Every hand you play at Ignition Poker is logged for future reference. Once 24 hours have passed, you can download the hand in question and all the others you played in the previous seven days. Then you can take time away from the table to study those hands and see how well you played them.
Not everyone does this, but it gives you an edge. Hand histories are an incredibly important tool in becoming a better poker player; top athletes look at video replays and biometric data from past games, and top poker pros look at the hands they were in. They don’t just assume that they played well because they won, or played poorly because they lost.

H Playeradobe Flas

Captain’s Log

To download your hand history through the Ignition Poker software, click on Account, then Hand History, then Game Transactions. Select which type of poker game you want the hands from: Zone Poker, Ring Games, Sit and Go Tournaments, or Scheduled Tournaments. Then choose the time period and the specific session you’re looking for. If the hands are still “Available for Download”, click that button, and you should see the status change to Download Requested.
Once that’s complete, click on Open Hand History File, and you’ll see a notepad with a log of your requested hands. This log can be copied and pasted into a hand replayer so you can visualize how each hand unfolded, pausing the action as required. You’ll find a number of decent hand replayers available for free on the internet.

Do the Right Thing

Hand History Replayer

If you really want to step up your game, there are other pieces of software you can use to help analyze your hands. Some are more expensive than others, but in general, they all use math to figure out what the “optimal” play is in a certain situation, and how far from optimal your play was. Don’t take this analysis for gospel; use it instead to open your mind about how you might have played the hand differently, and how the results may have changed.
Whether you use fancy software or not, make sure to look at all your hands, not just the ones where you went all-in, and not just the ones where you lost. Sample size is very important here. If you find some consistent mistakes in your game, work on them, starting with the ones that are easiest to correct. If you find you made a great play in a situation when you weren’t sure what to do, you’ll have the knowledge and the confidence to make that play again the next time. This is how we learn.